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On March 15th, ACSF held its 3rd Annual Kid’s Gincana. For two hours 25 kids, aged 5-12, did as many capoeira moves as they could, playing hard and raising donations for our Youth Batizado Graduation Ceremony. At the end of the day, ACSF’s youth students had done enough movements to raise $1,000!

Thank you to all of our capoeiristas, volunteers, and of course to all donors. This event is only possible because of all of you. Muito obrigada!

Watch video highlights of the Kids Gincana HERE

Video by Claudia Escobar


On Sunday, March 23rd adult community members showed up to workout and raise funds for ACSF youth programs. Spearheaded and funded by Luis and Ana Vargas, and Naomi Mahoney and husband Theodore Tilles, and supported by Aimee Fribourg and ACSF staffers- this pilot event turned out to be both fun and successful.

Modeled after the Kid’s Gincana, participants performed fitness moves to raise funds. In total, participants completed 110 pull-ups,
566 push-ups, and numerous long-held balancing moves, yielding contributions of $2,200.

Many thanks to all who participated and a special thanks to the donors who used their contributions to both build community involvement AND support our youth programs!