“Instrutora Tulipa”
Instrutora Tulipa started training capoeira at ACSF with Mestra Márcia in 2005. She has traveled to Brazil many times to attend a range of capoeira events including the Jogos Mundiais, Jogos Brasileiros, Encontro Feminino, and ZUMBIMBA. She also travels regularly to participate in other ABADÁ-Capoeira events in the US and abroad.
Instrutora Tulipa taught the ACSF Sunday Community Class, the proceeds of which fund our teens to travel to Brazil, from 2011-2018. In addition to teaching, she is a lead member of ACSF’s performance company and has performed in the Spirit of Brazil series, the San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival, San Francisco Carnaval, and many educational performances across the Bay Area.
In August 2021, she received her Purple/Brown cord at an international event hosted at ABADA-Capoeira San Francisco that was attended virtually by ABADA Mestres and Mestrandos, including Mestre Camisa–a historical event.