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Finally a class for the little ones! Due to consistent demand for classes for youth not yet old enough to…
THERE IS STILL TIME. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Community Input Survey As part of ACSF’s strategic planning process…
Join Certified Health and Nutrition Coach, Jennifer Walsh a.k.a. Instrutora Sereia for a casual learning session focused on nutrition and lifestyle best practices for staying well!
SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVITIES + CHALLENGES During the coming days Mestra Márcia and our team of instructors will post Capoeira activities…
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HELP ACSF RAISE $40K THIS GIVING SEASON The world needs Capoeira now. Only $2,638 to go to reach our goal….
Everyday Mestra Márcia Cigarra and ACSF’s team of instructors bring movement and music classes into the homes of students. And…
April 25-28, 2019 ACSF is proud to present its 28th Annual Youth and Adult Batizado Festival. The Festival includes workshops,…
~ CLASS HIGHLIGHT ~ FREE BASICS CAPOEIRA | Wednesdays 6pm-7pm This class will be held in-person only starting April 14….
ACSF’s immersive camp experience brings together Capoeira, history, music, martial arts, dance and other creative arts for children aged 5-12…
Last chance to enroll in the class for 4 year olds! Due to consistent demand for classes for youth not…
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