“Instrutor Serpente”
Instrutor Serpente grew up in Marin County, California, and fell in love with Capoeira at first sight in 2005. He committed to training with Mestra Márcia Cigarra while on a trip to CEMB in 2007. He lived in Vilha Velha outside of Rio and trained with Mestrando Arisco before returning to San Francisco to continue training with Mestra Márcia Cigarra.
Before having kids, he competed twice in the Jogos Mundiais at CEMB in Rio de Janeiro, and in 2013 he witnessed Mestra Márcia Cigarra receive her red/white cord and the title of Mestra in ABADÁ. He has participated in ZUMBIMBA and has traveled twice to ABADÁ-Chicago graduating, and attended ABADÁ-Puerto Rico’s Batizado and workshops.
For the past 12 years Instrutor Serpente has been a part of ACSF’s teaching-artist staff and has taught kids, teens, and adult classes in San Francisco. He is a core company member of ACSF’s Performance Company performing in many Bay Area Festivals and notable performances as part of the Spirit of Brazil concert series, the San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival, San Francisco Carnaval and many educational performances in the Bay Area.
In August 2021 he received the next level of Purple cord at an International historical event hosted at ABADÁ-Capoeira San Francisco attended virtually by Mestres and Mestrandos of ABADÁ with special presence of Mestre Camisa via Zoom.