“Instrutora Jabuticaba”
Instrutora Jabuticaba has been intermittently training with Mestra Márcia Cigarra since 1995 and her sons have grown up in the ACSF school as part of the Capoeira family. Jabuticaba is an immigrant from El Salvador and works in environmental health sciences at UC Berkeley.
Over the past 20+ years, she has served on the board of ACSF, has performed in Spirit of Brazil, and has participated in many educational school performances throughout the Bay Area. Every year she participates in ACSF workshops with ABADA Mestres, including Mestre Camisa, Mestre Cobra, Mestre Morcego, Mestre Pernilongo, Mestre Periquito Verde, and many more Mestrandos in the ABADA School. She has taught children’s classes in schools and is now part of the teaching staff of Instrutores at ACSF Teen/Adult Capoeira.
She has traveled for many Capoeira events, and in 2021 participated in worldwide online workshops like the Encontro Feminino, Jogos Mundiais, and ZUMBIMBA events led by Mestre Camisa and other Mestres of ABADA School.
Most recently in August 2021, she received the Cord Roxa level, the purple cord which is known as an advanced and difficult level to achieve at the Troca de Corda event under Mestra Cigarra and with the online presence of Mestre Camisa and other Mestres of ABADA from around the world.