“Instrutora Sucurí”
Instrutora Sucurí, started training capoeira in Hawaii in 2001 and, after a 3-year break, resumed her training with Mestra Marcia Cigarra in 2006. Instrutora Sucurí has traveled to Brazil to compete in the Jogos Mundiais, Encontro Feminino and attend Mestre Camisa’s intensive ZUMBIMBA specialized training and history studies at CEMB.
In 2012, she established ABADÁ-Capoeira Chicago and hosted her first Batizado there in 2014. She moved back to San Francisco in 2015 and continues to supervise her students in Chicago. She is part of ACSF’s teaching-artist staff and is a core company member of ACSF’s Performance Company including many Bay Area Festivals notable performances in the Spirit of Brazil concert series, the San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival, San Francisco Carnaval, and many Educational performances in the Bay Area.
In 2016, she joined ACSF’s Board of Directors. In August 2021 she received the next level of Purple/Brown at an International event hosted at ABADA Capoeira San Francisco and was attended as well as virtually by Mestres and Mestrandos of ABADA with a special presence of Mestre Camisa via Zoom, a historical event.