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Jennifer Walsh
“Professora Sereia”

Professora Sereia has been training with world-renowned Mestra Márcia “Cigarra” since 1994 and remains her top student today. In 2003, she became the first female non-Brazilian practitioner ever to be given the title of “Instrutora.” In August 2007, at the International ABADÁ-Capoeira Conference in Brazil, she made history again and was the first ever non-Brazilian female to receive her purple-brown cord. She has taught, performed, and competed in capoeira throughout the US, and in Brazil, Canada, and Mexico.

As the founding Executive Director of ACSF, she has more than 25 years of experience in all levels of fund and business development and operations. Her executive leadership has led ACSF to become a model organization for the extensive worldwide Capoeira community, and a cornerstone for art and culture in the SF Bay Area.

After fifteen years of training and working with ACSF in San Francisco, she decided to relocate to Tucson, Arizona. She maintains her commitment to the art form that has shaped her life by continuing her work as ACSF’s Executive Director, a member of ACSF’s board of directors, and one of ACSF ‘s teachers for our online classes. She is regularly in San Francisco to train and to offer her leadership as a director and ABADÁ Professora.

In August 2021 she received the next level of “Professora” Brown cord at an International historical event hosted at ABADA Capoeira San Francisco attended virtually by Mestres and Mestrandos of ABADA with a special presence of Mestre Camisa via Zoom.


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