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Bring Your Axé to ABADÁ-Capoeira Marin’s Batizado + Graduation Ceremony

Join us in celebrating the accomplishments of Professor Prego, Instrutora Ciranda, and their students on June 9th.

The batizado tradition formally welcomes beginners into a capoeira school, and some students are awarded a new cord during the troca de corda or “changing of cords” ceremony. To “baptize” new students into capoeira, each new student plays a jogo (game) with a high-level instructor or master, receives their first cord, and gets their “apelido” (nickname.)

From June 5-8, the school will host workshops led by guest of honor Mestrando Mobília (RJ, Brazil.) Don’t miss special guests Mestra Cigarra, Mestra Edna (NYC,) Mestranda Yara (Washington, DC,) Professora Sereia (Durango, CO) and Professor Ferrugem (Aparecida, SP, Brazil.)

The workshops will be held at ABADÁ-Capoeira Marin: 42 Greenfield Ave., San Anselmo, CA. The batizado will happen at Bacich Community Center: 699 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Kentfield, CA.