After more than two months, Instrutor Mobilinha, our artist-in-residence participant from Rio de Janeiro will be returning to Brazil. His stay in SF has been rich with experiences. From participating in ACSF’s youth and adult Batizado event, performing in the Spirit of Brazil Festival, offering private lessons to eager ACSF students, assisting Instrutor Corrente (Antonio Contreras) with Summer Camp, to occasionally substitute teaching for Mestra Márcia— his time with ACSF has yielded new learning experiences for him and an infusion of energy and knowledge back into our community.
Mobilinha’s residency was a pilot project stemming from a longtime interest in establishing a sustainable structure for hosting visiting apprenticing artists for a two to four-month period on an annual basis. We are actively looking for support to implement the extended-stay residency program again next year!
Again, a HUGE thank you to longtime community member and supporter Katherine Kemerait, as well as Gabriel Sinche, for providing housing for Mobilinha’s stay. This was a critical component to our capacity to offer him this experience.