Dear Mestra Márcia, thank you for believing in me even more than I believe in myself sometimes. This achievement is as important to me as when I graduated medical school and became a doctor. Obrigada for everything!! – Cascata a.k.a. Monica

I want to say THANK YOU for a great performance today. Our students all expressed how much they enjoyed it and hope to have you back in future years.” Brianna Kleinschmidt, Principal, Benicia High School

ABADÁ-Capoeira SF performed during our pre-game entertainment for The Oakland Raiders at the Hispanic Heritage game. We were very impressed with their performance. Through the use of live music our fans were able to experience a true performance of Brazilian Martial Arts. – Olivia Haro

ABADÁ-Capoeira performed in our office during our annual Diversity Week celebrations. We were so inspired by the dancers that we hope to offer ABADÁ-Capoeira classes in our office in the future. – Gerilyn Ward

Without capoeira I would not be where I am right now. I used to be a very nervous and shy person. Since training capoeira with ACSF my confidence has gone up. Learning capoeira forced me to break out of my nervous barrier, and push myself past self-perceived limits – Jorge Aguirre