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From Russia to Brazil and Back Again…
In addition to Mestra Márcia’s responsibilities at ACSF, she is also one of the ten leaders of ABADÁ-Capoeira world-wide. This role demands she travel to visit independent branches of ABADÁ across the globe to offer her expertise, guidance, and oversight. Her leadership is critical to the continued growth and unification of ABADÁ as a global organization and style of capoeira.
Just this past month she traveled to Moscow, Russia, as well as New York City. Next month, she will head to Brazil for the annual ZUMBIMBA event produced by ABADÁ-Capoeira Mestre and Founder, Mestre Camisa.
ZUMBIMBA provides the unique opportunity for all the Mestres and Mestrandos of ABADÁ to gather for discussions, knowledge sharing, and collective problem-solving.