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All levels are encouraged to attend. Pre-registration is required. See our schedule.
From 10 to 11am Saturday consists of a weekly rotating calendar of classes designed to broaden your Capoeira training. Free for First-Time Students!
Join Mestra Márcia Cigarra for Maculelê class, a fun Afro Brazilian dance performed with sticks and machetes and where students will train to improve their music and rhythm skills.
What is Maculelê?

Maculelê is a traditional Afro-Brazilian dance performed with sticks and machetes. Maculelê was created by African slaves in Brazil who worked the sugar cane plantations. It is believed that during times of rest between working, slaves would practice this dance with the machetes they used for cutting sugar cane. The basic movements of Maculelê imitate the motion of chopping. Many Maculelê songs are sung in the Yoruba language, which was the native language of many of the Africans who were enslaved in Brazil.

The dance is performed in a ritual circle called the “roda.” Two dancers at a time play together in the center of circle, while the other participants keep the rhythm by hitting their sticks or machetes together and take turns leading songs. The instrument played is the atabaque, a traditional Brazilian drum, and the rhythms used are Congo, Afoxé, and Barra Vento. The agogô, a cowbell, accompanies the drum.

In the past, many folkloric groups in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil worked to keep this traditional dance alive. Today, there are no longer any schools of Maculelê. It has become the practice of Capoeira schools to preserve and pass on traditional Maculelê.


Join Mestra Márcia Cigarra with a special music series that explores the rhythms, instruments, and songs of Capoeira. Each month’s class has a different focus. This class is for advanced as well as beginning students and will improve skills on the berimbau, atabaque, and pandeiro.

Please Note: We advise new students to take this class in person. If you intend to take this class online you will need to be mindful of the Zoom delay. There are more challenges involved when not taking this class in person.

This special class is designed to increase movement capacity, agility, and strength, while building body awareness. Join Professora Sereia each month as she prepares a unique session with a different focus. This class is for advanced as well as beginning students.
Capoeira Fitness Class

Taught by Instrutora Sucurí, this class focuses on using Capoeira movements to build strength and cardiovascular fitness. Open to teens and adults of all levels.



Capoeira Floreios (Capoeira acrobatic movements)
This unique class is designed to improve your acrobatic movements for Capoeira. Called Floreios, this class is dedicated to all levels and will be adapted to welcome beginners to the most advanced students. It will improve your balance, flexibility, and strengthen your agility with acrobatics. This special Floreios class is taught by Professora Estrela Vésper.