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Teen/Adult Classes are conducted by Mestra Márcia Cigarra, plus a rotation of ACSF instrutores. Kids classes are conducted by  Instrutor Soldadinho and Graduada Toninho.

KIDS CAPOEIRA (ages 5-12)

Kids Capoeira classes are divided by age and are open to students of all levels.
Classes build physical, artistic, and social skills. Working independently, in partners, and as a group, students learn basic Capoeira movements, practical application of these movements, and how to “play” Capoeira using the movements in improvisational games with each other. Within the Capoeira class structure, youth are also introduced to maculelê, a traditional Brazilian folk dance performed with sticks.

Instruction covers physical elements of the arts including acrobatic and dynamic movement, self-defense, and improvisation and performance concepts. Youth learn historical and cultural information, receive hands-on training on instruments, and learn songs in Portuguese.

Activities strengthen interpersonal qualities: listening; discipline; accountability; control of one’s emotions; confidence; social awareness; and verbal and nonverbal communication. Youth learn transferable life skills—problem solving, leadership, goal-setting, collaboration; conflict resolution; conscious risk taking; appreciation for diversity and community; and respect—that lead to a lifetime of health and civic involvement.

ABADÁ-Capoeira San Francisco

ACSF’s award-winning youth activities include Capoeira and maculelê classes, music classes, performance training and opportunities, leadership development, and health education. Teen students also have opportunities to travel, compete, and pursue professional positions as performers and instructors.


How to Apply
ACSF Reaching All Youth Programming is a very successful program that has led to the creation of the RAY Project in 2003. Families in need have access to FREE classes throughout the school-year program schedule (August-May).

To qualify:

  1. New teen students can start at any time and can train all year long.
  2. Fill out the youth release form (EN) & Formulario de liberación en Español.
  3. Follow the normal steps for creating an online account through our online scheduling system. Please note, for kids and teens under 17 years old, parents/guardians must create online profiles for themselves and their children. If you are between the ages of 17 and 19 year old you can fill out your own release form. This can be done at our center with our front desk staff as well. Detailed instructions on how to create your account and enroll in a class using our MindBody scheduling system can be found here.
  4. Once you submit your release form through our website, or in person, we will contact the parent/guardian via e-mail so they can receive all the information they need to get enrolled and ready for classes immediately.


  • Any teen 13-19yrs old can take Teen/Adult Capoeira FREE of charge ALL YEAR LONG.
  • Please see our RAY MEMBERSHIP page and fill out the necessary release form.
  • While pre-registration is suggested, drop-in students will still be admitted as long as they are on time.
  • To attend classes, COVID-19 vaccinations are encouraged. Masking is optional.
  • Classes begin promptly at the scheduled start time.
  • First time students please arrive 10 minutes prior to class time.
  • Questions? Just contact us.


These classes emphasize cooperation, spatial awareness, and foundational physical skills. Students will focus on developing leadership, strength, agility, flexibility, memory, listening skills, and endurance. As they progress, they will begin learning more complex movements, acrobatics, sequences, and strategies.

New students please fill out the release form here >

Age 5-7

Kid’s Capoeira 5-7 
Tues/Thurs – 4-4:55 pm
Saturday – 1-1:55 pm

Age 5-12 (All ages together)

Kid’s Capoeira  5-12 
Wed – 3:30-4:30pm

Age 8-12

Kid’s Capoeira 8-12
Tues/Thurs – 5-5:55 pm
Saturday – 2-2:55 pm


ALL teens train for FREE. ALWAYS. (ages 13-19)

Teens can train for free in ALL Teen/Adult classes.  ACSF provides teens a safe space to challenge themselves, develop bonds with their peers, and make the transition from kid’s classes to adult training. The enrollment process is simple. Teens (ages 13-19) train for FREE EVERY DAY!

More information about our RAY Teen FREE program can be found HERE

To enroll in Teen / Adult classes, please fill out our Youth Release Form


First Tuesday of the Month *TRY IT FREE for first-time students – 6-7:30pm
* New students must enroll on site at the front desk to get their FREE pass.

All Levels Capoeira 
Mon & Thurs 11 – 12 (Online )
Tues & Thurs 6-7:30 (Hybrid)
Saturday 11:00 -12:30  (Hybrid)

Basic Fundamentals Capoeira 
Mondays 6-7pm (Beginners only. Yellow cords and lower only)
Wednesdays 6-7pm (mix level)

Saturday Special – 10-11 am (Hybrid) *TRY IT FREE for first-time students – Check schedule

Advanced Capoeira
Wednesdays 7-8 pm (Advance – Blue cord level and up)

New Programs | (All levels) Starts Sunday, March 16

7-8 pm | Mobility 

5-6 pm | Berimbau Class 
(Please bring your own berimbau, or let us know in advance if you need one)

11:30 am-12:30 pm | Fitness Class 


Youth students can receive individual attention to hone their Capoeira technique, music and singing skills as well as practice specific movements that strengthen their bodies.

Rates per 30-45 minute private session:

(4-7 year old) 30 min, (8-12 year old) 45 min session

  • Graduado/a: $65
  • Instrutor/a: $75
  • Professor/a: $85
  • Mestra Márcia Cigarra: $100

Please call 415-206-0650 or contact us to schedule your private session.


The Reaching All Youth (RAY) Project

Our (RAY) Project is a simple application process. TEENS ages 13 – 19 always train for FREE in any Teen/ Adult Capoeira class all year long. Any child in need, age 5-12, has access to FREE Capoeira classes throughout the academic school year (August-May).

(June-August) Kids’ regular Capoeira classes are on break as we offer 7-week sessions of youth Summer Camp programming.

To apply, be sure to note your need for financial assistance on our required release form for Kids and Teens youth release form.

BRAZIL Trip & Teen Travel Scholarship

Every two years, ACSF travels to Brazil for the Jogos Mundiais (World Games) in Rio. Top Capoeiristas from ABADÁ-Capoeira schools around the world come to Brazil to train with the Mestres and Mestrandos of ABADÁ for four days of workshops at Mestre Camisa’s CEMB prior to the international Capoeira competition in Rio. This experience offers young Capoeiristas an unprecedented opportunity to experience Brazilian culture, meet Capoeiristas from across the globe, and train with the top teachers of ABADÁ. The Teen Travel Scholarship sponsors one or more teens to travel to Brazil for the Jogos Mundiais and workshops.

The Teen Travel Scholarship is based entirely on participation points. A full scholarship will be awarded to the teen with the highest accumulated total of participation points. If funding is available, partial scholarships may be awarded to the teen(s) with the next highest accumulated total of participation points. Points are accumulated over two years (four sessions), from fall of the initial year until spring of the traveling year.