Here is what students, parents and contracting sites are saying about ACSF’s programing.
“ We really enjoyed the performance and I received a lot of positive feedback. We will keep them on our list to bring back for an encore! The performers were great – arrived promptly, were courteous, and extremely professional in their interactions. And of course, they were fabulous entertainers.” – Diane Margot, Parent Coordinator @ Edison Elementary School (Alameda, CA)
“It’s wonderful that Marcia has shared her story in a show “Cigarra & Guerreiras Nessa Arte”. The way in which her story was presented, through oral telling, visual telling, musical telling, action – dance, Maculele, and Capoeira, was the perfect blend. Our only wish is that it had been longer!” – Jessica, Maria, Riley and Sarita – The Little School
” ACSF teaches camaraderie, respect, how to read body language, and mental and physical discipline. The community is great. ACSF has changed all of our lives. Capoeira has introduced me to the culture of Brazil. It’s my favorite way to relieve stress, and can really be fun. It relaxes me, and helps me think. Being fit is empowering, it gives you the advantage in sports and gives you confidence in yourself. Confidence is the key to success. The only reason I know this, is because this is what ACSF gave me. It has given me the confidence to do what I would like, and not need the approval of the majority, not fit in, Capoeira is where I fit in.” – Reid, 13 years old, started capoeira at age 6
” ACSF teaches me self-discipline. It’s helped me in my studies. Self-discipline has allowed me to pay attention to whatever I put my mind to, such as school work. Capoeira helps my outside life by teaching me to follow rules with respect and integrity, also to be creative in my academic structuring. This allows me to not look at rules or schoolwork as things that keep me back but as chance to be thriving creatively.” – Sophia, 11 years old, started capoeira at age 5
” Capoeira is important to me because it keeps me strong and happy and I always feel good about myself after class because I know I tried my hardest.” – Teihani, 11 years old, started capoeira at age 8
” I have been watching my big brother Golden do capoeira since I was 2. I knew one day it would be my turn. I did it on the sideline during Golden’s classes anyway. I love being upside down and playing drums. Now can finally do a cartwheel with my legs straight! I fix Mama’s words when she sings the songs wrong in Portuguese. I love how strong I am.” – Sage, 6 years old
” The lessons I learn in the roda apply to every aspect of my life. I’m a better husband because of capoeira, and I’m a better friend. I’m better at my job, and I’m happier because of capoeira. It keeps me physically fit, emotionally strong, and constantly challenged. The ACSF community includes some of my closest friends. Capoeira also keeps me mindful of the ongoing struggle against oppression, which as a straight white male in the United States can be easy to miss. It also works all of my senses and is one of the few activities I’ve ever done that engages my whole self: athletically, emotionally, spiritually, musically, and creatively, and all in conversation with another person.” — Kelly Gleason, Graduado Serpente
” Capoeira teaches me that patience and awareness can be cultivated through movement and expression.” – Alex Aruj, Student
” The beauty of capoeira is that it is for EVERYBODY! It brings different cultures and communities together. Background, ethnicity, or any type of physical limitation will never be an issue. With San Francisco changing as rapidly as it is, this is what we need more now than ever. A form of positive unity.” — Alazan Jackson Flores, Graduada Polvo
” Capoeira brings together people from all walks of life. Regardless of who you are or where you come from, you are made to feel welcome in the roda.” —Janna Aragan “Banana”, Student
” Dear Mestra Márcia, I just wanted to say thank you so much for another great Batizado & workshops where we all learned so much with Mestre Morcego and had a chance to celebrate our truly wonderful capoeira community with our visitors. Congratulations on your first Batizado as a Mestra! I have learned so much from you not just about capoeira, but about respect, pushing your limits, and always trying to improve and grow in every aspect of your life. Reaching the level of graduada is something I never thought possible. I am honestly very overwhelmed and anxious about this new role, but with your mentorship I will continue to work as hard as I can so that hopefully one day I can live up to what it means to be a graduada. Thank you for believing in me even more than I believe in myself sometimes. This achievement is as important to me as when I graduated medical school and became a doctor. Obrigada for everything!!” — “Cascata ” a.k.a. Monica, Student
” Hello, I was visiting the Bay the weekend of the Jan 14th and had the chance to take the Community Capoeira class with Graduado Papagaio. I just started practicing capoeira about 4 months ago; everybody was so welcoming and it was nice to see the training style at a different school. Thanks and I hope to drop in whenever I am in town again!” — Ayaboe E., Student
“ I am pretty sure that capoeira saved [my son’s] life. When he was about 6 he was attacked by a dog. As the dog lunged at him, he raised his arm in the classic blocking move so the dog bit his arm (rather than his throat). I wanted to be sure to thank you. He’s 16 now and singing opera at SOTA.” — Eve B, mother of former capoeira student
“ Summer Camp was a great experience for my kids. Their instructor seemed to have great command over the large group and the teen apprentices seemed very helpful. Both of my kids shy away from being the center of attention so it was incredible for my family to see the performance and their mini “solos.” These types of experiences are great confidence builders and it is one of the main reasons I want them to continue. In their short week there they learned about discipline, respect, leadership and confidence, all while being exposed to a new culture, language and beautiful art form. My heartfelt gratitude to everyone at Abada who go out of their way to ensure a positive experience for all the children.” — Naheed M., Summer Camp Parent
“ It was impressive to see the growth, enthusiasm, confidence and love for the Capoeira culture expressed by my son and his cousins. — Summer Camp Parent
“ We really enjoyed the performance and I received a lot of positive feedback. We will keep them on our list to bring back for an encore! The performers were great – arrived promptly, were courteous, and extremely professional in their interactions. And of course, they were fabulous entertainers.” – Diane Margot, Parent Coordinator @ Edison Elementary School (Alameda, CA)
“ Thank you SO much for today’s performance! I was there with my two sons and it was a huge hit with the preschoolers and adults! My 4-year old son and I went to the library after the performance and he was doing his version of the moves all over the floor – so much so that we had to leave. What a perfect demonstration with very age appropriate involvement and explanations, too! Please let the performers know how much we enjoyed and appreciated them coming to PKDW to share their beautiful art form with us.” — Mary Michael Pringle
“ ABADÁ-Capoeira SF performed in our office during our annual Diversity Week celebrations. Our attorneys and staff thoroughly enjoyed the energetic performance and were impressed by the strength and gracefulness of the dancers. It was one of the highlights of the week. We were so inspired by the dancers that we hope to offer ABADÁ-Capoeira classes in our office in the future.” – Gerilyn Ward,Office Administrator, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
“ Hello all the wonderful people at ACSF, Your performance group not only met our expectations, but exceeded them!! : ) The performance was fabulous, and the youth attending the conference LOVED IT! The performance was very entertaining and VERY high energy. I really appreciated that your group involved the audience, and invited them into the capoeira circle to “play” with your expert troupe members! Everyone in the troupe was professional, welcoming, and very friendly! The ABADA-Capoeira performance was a dazzling way to open our youth conference! Thanks again!!” — Julia B, Program Manager, Land Stewardship San Francisco Parks Trust
“ Just a shout out to say how great the events were this weekend [at the Jogos & Batizado]. I was impressed (as always) by the inspiring energy of the group. One of the things I love about Abada is how it is truly a diverse community – I looked around the room and saw women & men, young(er) and old(er), people of all colors, and people with special needs. I don’t think there are many places that do this in San Francisco, and do it with such grace and inspiration that keeps the community coming back for more. Kudos to you all for creating such an amazing place to do such an amazing art form. Also two-year old Alex watched intently and later showed us his “kicks” at home.” — Megan H, Former ACSF Board Member
“ ABADÁ-Capoeira Arts Center of San Francisco performed during our pre-game entertainment for The Oakland Raiders at the Hispanic Heritage game. We were very impressed with their performance. Through the use of live music our fans were able to experience a true performance of Brazilian Martial Arts. Overall, they were a pleasure to work with and we look forward to working with them again”. – Olivia H., Marketing Intern Coordinator Oakland Raiders