2018 was a busy and fulfilling year. We are deeply grateful to all who participated in one of our many activities, donated, or volunteered. YOU make this community special and we are grateful.
We have ambitious and exciting plans for 2019, and hope you will join us for the ride!
Our community, our City, and our country need Capoeira now more than ever. We need community spaces like ACSF, where people come together to creatively express themselves, sweat out pain and frustrations, receive and give inspiration, practice and preserve cultural tradition. A place where people are reminded that every day is a chance to make a difference, one day, one person, one roda, one kick at a time! Thank you for being a part of our community.
Let’s together make 2019 the best year ever!
A taste of 2018 accomplishments:
- On-site youth programs provided 150 youth afterschool, weekends, and during week-long summer camps.
- Our team of 8 artists taught 14 classes a week to 215 children in public schools.
- We partnered with the After-School Enrichment Program (ASEP), Young Audiences of Northern California, Mission Graduates, Dance Mission, and SF Sunday Street, plus numerous other school and community sites to provide 34 performances reaching another 6,000 children and teens.
- More than 1,500 adults came to our Center to take Capoeira, dance, and music classes.
- Our apprenticeship program mentored emerging artistsproviding a pathway to paid teaching and performing work.
- We presented free, city-wide performances including SF Carnaval and Cinco de Mayo celebrations, among others.
- We hosted 2, week-long cross-cultural educational and performance events featuring master artists from Brazil,including the amazing workshops with Mestre Camisa!