Dear Community,
With the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation we at ACSF are actively addressing the situation and doing our best to make decisions focused on keeping our community safe.
Increasing our deep cleaning of the studio and bathrooms.
Disinfecting surfaces multiple times daily.
Implementing “social distancing” protocols including studio-wide no touch policy… This includes modified training to eliminate contact.
Allowing our staff to work remotely.
1. If you or anyone in your household is showing ANY signs of illness, do not come to the studio.
2. Wash your hands before entering the studio and immediately after class. Hand washing is only effective if you wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds under running water with soap! (sing 2 verses of your favorite Capoeira song!)
3. If you have traveled to a country, state or region with a high concentration of Coronavirus cases (NY, Santa Clara, LA, Europe etc.) we ask you to refrain from coming to the studio for two weeks to be sure you have not been infected.
4. Clean any props you use with disinfectant including mats and foam rollers.
We are continuing our regularly scheduled teen and adult classes. Come train if you are well!
Effective immediately: we are suspending ALL children’s classes for ages 5-12 years until April 3rd. ACSF is following the recommendations of the City to suspend all youth activities.
To keep our youth students engaged we will be posting regular “challenges” on our Facebook page! Please visit the page to see weekly Capoeira Challenges!
We are suspending our spring home-season events. This includes the youth GINCANA scheduled for March 21, and the YOUTH & ADULT BATIZADO & WORKSHOPS scheduled for April 15-19.
While we are deeply saddened to postpone these events we look forward to producing them at a time when we can gather with our local and international Capoeira family. We will keep you informed of rescheduled dates.
Already Paid for the Batizado and Workshops?
In the coming week we will automatically credit your Mindbody account the amount you paid. These funds can then be used for any ACSF purchase. If you prefer a refund, please contact us at and we will be happy to refund your payment.
Things you can do to support your health during these uncertain times.
A “wellness” checklist from our resident Health Coach, Instrutora Sereia.
Checklist for staying healthy.
Prioritize getting sleep!
Listen deeply to what your body needs. Feeling a little tired? Skip the workout and get extra rest.
Spend time outdoors and away from people and crowded areas.
Practice good hygiene…wash your hands; don’t bite your nails etc.
Eat healthy…more veggies and whole foods, and less processed foods; sugar; refined flour and baked goods; and alcohol!
De-stress. Take a hot bath; take a few deep breaths; take a walk in nature; play music; carve out un-plugged “chill” time.
Add natural anti-viral and immune protecting nutrients to your diet. This can include: fresh garlic; elderberry; oil of oregano; zinc containing foods (shellfish; beans and legumes; pasture-raised meats and eggs); and vitamin C-rich foods (broccoli, cantaloupe, cauliflower, kale, kiwi, orange, red, green or yellow pepper, sweet potato, strawberries, and tomatoes).