April 25-28, 2019
ACSF is proud to present its 28th Annual Youth and Adult Batizado Festival.
The Festival includes workshops, the Batizado graduation ceremony, and a performance featuring top-level Capoeira artists, both local and visiting.
This year our youth and adult students will be participating together. This fosters meaningful integration of our diverse, inter-generational communities.
The event kicks-off on Thursday, April 25 with youth and adult workshops led by Mestrando Mobilia from Brazil and our other visiting artists!
The Batizado, held on Sunday, April 28th at 2pm, is a traditional ceremony that welcomes new students into the art, and recognizes the growth of new and continuing students through a changing of cords ceremony.
The Batizado includes an opening performance by top-level guest artists and ACSF company members, followed by a reception. Please join us for thise community celebration!
Batizado Graduation and Cultural Performance
Sunday, April 28, 2:00 – 4:00pm, reception to follow.
Tickets at the door $10 (youth 12 and under free)
Batizado information>> HERE