OCTOBER 19-23, 2022
ACSF is proud to present its 30th Youth and Adult Batizado Festival. Join us as we celebrate another year of our community’s training accomplishments.
This multi-generational event provides an unparalleled opportunity for ACSF’s community to gather with guest master Capoeiristas from ABADÁ Brazil and North America for intensive learning through workshops, lectures, performances, and ceremony.
The event features guest master artists from Brazil, and the U.S. and will serve ACSF’s children, teen, and adult students, as well as visiting students who travel to SF to attend the event.
The event kicks off October 19 with workshops led by one of Brazil’s top female Capoeira artists, Mestranda Gigi from Rio de Janeiro. Mestranda Gigi will lead workshops for children as well as teens and adults from Wednesday through Saturday.
On Saturday morning we are thrilled to have Mestre Morcego—one of ABADA-Capoeira’s leading Mestres— lead a teen/adult workshop directly from Brazil via Zoom!
The Saturday lineup also includes a roundtable discussion with some of ABADA-Capoeira’s prominent trail-blazing female Capoeira athletes including Mestra Cigarra, Mestranda Gigi, and Professoras Yara, Iguana, and Sereia!

ABADÁ-Capoeira students need to register for the Batizado and workshops and can do so below.
On Sunday, October 23rd the event will culminate with the Batizado graduation and cultural performance showcasing masters and student Capoeiristas. The event will kick off with Capoeira and Maculele folk dance performances featuring our leading guest artists! The Batizado is Capoeira’s most significant tradition, welcomes new students into the art and recognizes the growth of new and continuing students through a changing of cords ceremony.
Sun, OCT 23, 11AM-1PM
10am – All students arrive in their uniforms
Potrero Del Sol Park, Stage Area
(Potrero Ave and 25th)
This year the Performance, Batizado & Graduation is a picnic style event held outdoors at SF’s Potrero del Sol Park. We invite you to join us for this free, family friendly community celebration!
o Bring your own lawn chair or blanket.
o Your own food and drink. PDS Park maintains a Zero Waste policy. Please be prepared to pack out your own trash and recyclables.
o Please note, there are limited public restrooms.
All parking is on the street. More available parking closer to the stage area is on San Bruno Ave
Covid Protocols
Mask wearing is still required for anyone entering ABADA SF. For the Batizado at Potrero Del Sol, masks are optional.